Celebrate National Library Week!
Dear Thoreau Center community members and ecosystem lovers,
This week, April 12-18, is National Library Week, a countrywide observance celebrating the contributions of our nation's libraries, librarians, and library workers. Continuing a decade-long trend, library use is up nationwide among all types of library users. Today more than ever, public, school, academic, and special libraries are making a difference to millions of Americans and playing a vital role in supporting the quality of life in their communities. A perfect time to come visit your community's free library: The Whole Earth Library. The Whole Earth Library is committed to creating better and healthier lives for ourselves and our children through sustainable living practices. Our collection includes books, magazines, CDs, and DVDs on a variety of topics, ranging from nature writing to global warming to environmental justice and much more. It is a place to explore, to learn, and to have your curiosity stimulated. It is also a place to come and get out of your office to relax a bit with a book.
So what's going on in the library this week? We're having a second round of the popularly acclaimed Think Green Challenge – a game of wit, mind-boggling depth, and erudition. Answer the questions correctly by the end of the week and be entered for a prize. Questions are available in the library. And don't forget that on Wednesday from 12:30 to 1:30, the library is hosting a discussion of William McDonough and Michael Braungart's Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. Come share your thoughts on their revolutionary prescription for the way we design what we make that eliminates the idea of waste as we know it.
We're here to help you learn how to live a more sustainable life, and we're a community center where everyone is invited to explore, dream, and learn. All that's missing is you.