- Bing and Facebook form a partnership to bring your social network into your search results.
- President Obama answers your questions from Twitter.
- Malcolm Gladwell claims that Twitter and Facebook cannot be used to change the real world, angering Clay Shirky and activists around the world.
- Google’s new exec in charge of location-based and local services loves Foursqaure.
- While Ning launches a new service to create highly customizable social websites and mobile applications that allow you to connect to them anywhere.
There are new developments in the world of social networking daily. Online social media has already changed the environment in which nonprofits, foundations, philanthropists, and social entrepreneurs operate in rapid, novel, and often unexpected ways. What does it all mean and where is it all going? This event is an opportunity to meet with other organizations and individuals working in the Thoreau Center for an informal lunchtime discussion about such issues. Learn about your neighbors' experiences with these new tools, share strategies and lessons learned, and hopefully have some of your questions answered.
Representatives from United Religions Initiative - @global_uri, and Tides - @TidesCommunity (and the library - @WholeEarthLib) have signed on to give brief presentations to get the discussion started, and if you have experiences, projects, etc. you would like to arrange to share, please contact John Bertland at library@thoreau.org. Otherwise just come with your ideas, thoughts, and questions and join in the discussion.