08 July 2009

Brown Bag: Clean Energy Advancement & Global Warming Reversal

Brown Bag: Clean Energy Advancement + Global Warming Reversal
Presenter: Center for Resource Solutions Policy Director Chris Busch
Thursday, July 16, 12:30PM to 1:30PM
Atlantic Room at Tides

This presentation will provide insights into the current climate and energy policy landscape. We will look in some detail at the American Climate and Energy Security Act, which has been advancing in the House of Representatives. The bill, crafted by House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Henry Waxman and his Environmental Subcommittee Chair Ed Markey, includes an array of policy initiatives. Chris will touch on some of the specifics to the energy-sector and will seek to demystify the multi-sector cap-and-trade program that is intended to ensure declining greenhouse gas emissions for the economy as a whole. The presentation will also touch on other recent federal policy developments, as well as regional and state action.