02 June 2010

ArtSeed's 10th Anniversary Exhibtion Reception

Tenth Anniversary Exhibition

When: Friday, June 04, 2010 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Seed Gallery at Thoreau Center

Health, Healing and Community (HH&C) Part One

ArtSeed’s 2010 annual end-of-the-school-year exhibition celebrates the organization’s tenth anniversary. Selected student works are featured here with three professional artists whose own work has been influenced by their close association with three public schools. The second part of this exhibition opens August 12, 5-7pm and features artists and youth involved in ArtSeed’s Summer Intensive and Apprenticeship Program. Stay tuned for the details of (HH&C) Part Two.

Marissa Kunz, a teaching artist and founder of ArtSeed, co-conceived The Print Exchange Project: 8x10x10 (eight by ten inches by ten artists) who are scattered across the globe and who at one point intersected at the San Francisco Art Institute. Here these artists intersect again by way of collaboratively altered prints handed off to each other through the post. Also represented are samples of Marissa’s students’ work from Sherman Elementary School where she teaches.

Teaching artist Manon Bogerd-Wada shows work made in her pre-k classes at the Burnett Child Development Center in Bayview Hunters Point. In addition, she shows architectural renderings by children from Lincoln Elementary School involved with the HEARTH Community Art Garden Project, this latter, funded by the OPEN CIRCLE Foundation.

Patricia Warren is represented by new work made this past February in her Community Portrait Project. Patricia set up a professional photography studio at the Burnett Child Development Center where she made portraits of fifteen families from the neighborhood. The resulting photographs were framed and given to their subjects free of charge. ArtSeed also received framed copies to display at the exhibition. Sales of the art support ArtSeed’s Schools Programs.

Both Marissa and Manon have received support as teaching artists through the California Arts Council’s Artists in Schools program. Patricia Warren’s Community Portrait Project was also made possible by Tony and Caroline Grant and the Sustainable Arts Foundation.

For further information, contact Josefa Vaughan, Executive Director: josefa@artseed.org or (415) 409-1761

01 June 2010

Thoreau Center Brown Bag - Independent Council on Safe Energy

Stopping New, Costly, Dangerous Reactors

: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Where: Pacific Room at Tides, Thoreau Center

The Independent Council on Safe Energy (ICSA), a Tides Center project, is 3+ years old and concentrates on countering the intense nuclear energy industry and government push for the so-called "nuclear renaissance." Please join us for an engaging discussion on a strategy to prevent new costly, dangerous reactors with some of the best and brightest sustainable energy experts in the country, including:

Peter Bradford, former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner, and the former chair of both the New York and Maine Public Utility Commissions; Dr. Mark Cooper, Economic Analyst and Adjunct Professor, Vermont Law School 25+ years key national consumer economic analysis; Diane Curran, Esq., leading U.S. public interest attorney on state and federal reactor interventions and legal proceedings; and Michele Boyd, Director, Physicians for Social Responsibility's Safe Energy Program.

Brown Bag events are free informal mid-day learning sessions hosted at Tides. Friends, neighbors and colleagues are welcome. Visitors, please sign in a the front desk.