04 February 2011

Protecting Biodiversity in a Warming World

Speaker - Mitch Tobin, author of Endangered: Biodiversity on the Brink

Thursday, February 10
12:30pm to 1:30pm

Pacific Room at Tides, Thoreau Center for Sustainability San Francisco

For 15 years, Mitch Tobin has been exploring and writing about the American West and its rapidly changing environment. As a reporter, he won numerous awards for his science writing, explanatory journalism, and breaking news coverage. As a consultant, he has helped some of the nation's leading conservation groups and foundations improve their effectiveness. Mitch's first book, Endangered, examines the human activity that has put so many species at risk of extinction and advocates for policies that will protect biodiversity in a warming world. Using firsthand accounts, he reports from the front lines of Endangered Species Act battles, using America's hottest, driest, fastest-growing region - the Southwest - as a snapshot of the complex and myriad issues confronting imperiled species and US environmental policy.

Brown Bag events are free informal mid-day learning sessions hosted at Tides. Friends, neighbors and colleagues are welcome. Visitors, please sign in at the front desk.