04 September 2009

Sustainably Speaking: Energy in California

Sustainably Speaking: Energy in California, Challenges and Solutions, Locally and Globally

Presenter: Journalist Peter Asmus, author of Introduction to Energy in California, U.C. Press

Thursday, September 17, 12:30PM to 1:30PM

Pacific Room at Tides, in the Thoreau Center

Join us as Peter gives us an introduction to California’s energy resources, challenges and solutions, locally and globally.

Peter will sum up the history of California energy development, then outline key challenges, and then go into solutions, focusing on the potential of ocean energy (he recently authored a 100 page plus report on the topic) and the evolution of the "locavolt" movement taking root in his own backyard in Marin County.

Peter Asmus has been covering energy issues for over 20 years. Previous books include Reaping the Wind and Reinventing Electric Utilities, both published by Island Press. His articles on energy have been published in leading newspapers such as the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and San Francisco Chronicle. He has served as a consultant to the California Energy Commission and California Air Resources Board.

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