01 June 2010

Thoreau Center Brown Bag - Independent Council on Safe Energy

Stopping New, Costly, Dangerous Reactors

: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Where: Pacific Room at Tides, Thoreau Center

The Independent Council on Safe Energy (ICSA), a Tides Center project, is 3+ years old and concentrates on countering the intense nuclear energy industry and government push for the so-called "nuclear renaissance." Please join us for an engaging discussion on a strategy to prevent new costly, dangerous reactors with some of the best and brightest sustainable energy experts in the country, including:

Peter Bradford, former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner, and the former chair of both the New York and Maine Public Utility Commissions; Dr. Mark Cooper, Economic Analyst and Adjunct Professor, Vermont Law School 25+ years key national consumer economic analysis; Diane Curran, Esq., leading U.S. public interest attorney on state and federal reactor interventions and legal proceedings; and Michele Boyd, Director, Physicians for Social Responsibility's Safe Energy Program.

Brown Bag events are free informal mid-day learning sessions hosted at Tides. Friends, neighbors and colleagues are welcome. Visitors, please sign in a the front desk.

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