The 1,100-mile California coast is an area of unsurpassed beauty and diversity. The first edition of the California Coastal Access Guide was published in 1981 with the dual purposes of identifying areas along the coast that are open to the public and explaining the public's rights and responsibilities regarding the use of the coastal resources. This guide tells you where to go on the coast, how to get there, and what facilities and type of environment you will find at each location. The Guide is a thorough and easy-to-use handbook that lists and describes all open public accessways, beaches, parks and recreational areas along the coast; it provides addresses, phone numbers type of environment for each site. It is divided into sections for each county and local area, with website and transit information and accompanying maps that clearly locate each accessway and major streets. Photos and illustrated feature articles on history, coastal resources and recreational activities are found throughout the book.
Kim Klein. Fundraising for Social Change, 5th edition. (2007)
From the publisher: Since it was first published in 1988, Fundraising for Social Change has become one of the most widely used books on fundraising in the United States. Fundraising practitioners and activists rely on it for hands-on, specific, and accessible fundraising techniques, and it has become a required text in dozens of college courses around the country. This fifth edition offers the information that has made the book a classic: proven know-how on asking for money, planning and conducting major gifts campaigns, using direct mail effectively, and much more. The book has been significantly changed to include new technology-e-mail, online giving, and blogs-and contains expanded chapters on capital and endowment campaigns, how to feel comfortable asking for money, how to recruit a team of people to help with fundraising, and how to build meaningful relationships with donors. In addition, this essential resource contains new information on such timely topics as ethics, working across cultural lines, and how to create opportunities for fundraising more systematically and strategically.
Mario Morino. Leap of Reason: managing to outcomes in an era of scarcity. (2011)
The book is anchored by a monograph written by philanthropist Mario Morino, who argues that the nation’s growing fiscal crisis will force all of us in the social sector to be clearer about our aspirations, more intentional in defining our approaches, more rigorous in gauging our progress, more willing to admit mistakes, more capable of quickly adapting and improving—all with an unrelenting focus on and passion for improving lives.
Morino calls on funders to empower nonprofits to manage smarter through greater use of information on performance and impact—rather than forcing them to meet myriad evaluation and reporting requirements that do little to help the organization learn and improve. He calls on nonprofits and funders to work together to “manage to outcomes” and to do so with the singular goal of helping nonprofits deliver greater benefits to those they serve.
Morino’s monograph is augmented by essays written by VPP president and CEO Carol Thompson Cole, the leaders of McKinsey’s Social Sector Office, and other experts and practitioners with hands-on experience leading the transition to managing to outcomes: Tynesia Boyea Robinson, Patricia Brantley, Isaac Castillo, David E. K. Hunter, Kristin Anderson Moore, David Murphey, Ethan D. Schafer, and Karen Walker. The book also includes a framework with questions to help organizations begin “managing to outcomes” and a compendium of relevant readings.
The book’s authors and publisher have produced this book with the goal of seeking the broadest possible dissemination of these ideas among social-sector leaders and those who support them. All of the authors contributed their essays and insights without compensation. And the publisher’s copyright notice encourages and grants permission for the distribution and reproduction of copies of this work for non-commercial purposes.
G. Castro and I. Locker, with V. Russell, L. Cornwell and E. Fajer. Mapping Conservation Investments: an assessment of biodiversity funding in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2000)
From the publisher: Biological diversity plays a critical role in maintaining the ecological processes upon which people, ecosystems and economies depend. The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region is widely accepted as a repository of some of the world’s richest biodiversity, containing 40% of Earth’s plant and animal species and probably the highest floristic diversity in the world. Unfortunately, the region’s biodiversity continues to face significant and growing threats. The study, collaboration of the U.S. agency for International Development (USAID), the World Bank and the Biodiversity Support Program (BSP), was undertaken to determine the extent of biodiversity conservation funding in the region.
Esta es una publicacion bilingue que examina los patrones de financiamiento para la biodiversidad en la region de Latinoamerica y el Caribe (LAC) para discernir los vacios de financiamiento y animar una mayor comunicacion y conscientizacion de parte de los donantes. La evaluacion del financiamiento, resultado de un proyecto de tres anos de duracion implementado conjuntamente por el Banco Mundial y la USAID, se baso en los resultados recopilados con encuestas aplicadas a las principales organizaciones donantes: instituciones bilaterales y multilaterales, agencias gubernamentales, organizaciones no gubernamentales, fundaciones, principales instituciones de investigacion y fideicomisos para el medio ambiente. Se pretende que este analisis sea el primer paso hacia una mayor comunicacion entre los donantes y los implementadores con el fin de conducir a una inversion mas estrategica y mejor enfocada en la region de LAC.
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