09 March 2010

Thoreau Center Brown Bag: Whitopia - Race and Public Policy

Whitopia--Race and Public Policy
Presenter: Journalist/Scholar Rich Benjamin

Friday, March 12, 12:30p to 1:30p

Thoreau Center for Sustainability - Pacific Room at Tides

This brown bag gathering will address the impact of race and ethnicity on pressing policy debates: social spending, immigration, citizenship, and voting. Rich Benjamin will discuss his timely research findings on those issues, and the challenges surrounding ethnic diversity, civic inclusion, and progressive public policy. You will be encouraged to offer thoughts on pressing topics: What does the Obama administration, the present Congress, and civil society portend for these policy issues, the quality of race relations, and our democracy’s health? Can we form the necessary ideas and talking points to move a progressive agenda forward, one that revives viable progress towards the commonweal and the common good?

Rich Benjamin is the author of Searching for Whitopia: An Improbable Journey to the Heart of White America, and Senior Fellow at Demos, a nonpartisan public policy center based in New York. Searching for Whitopia was selected for the 2009 Editor's Choice Award by Booklist and the American Library Association. Benjamin’s social and political commentary is featured on television and radio, in major newspapers and magazines, and in the blogosphere.

Brown Bag events are free informal mid-day learning sessions hosted at Tides. Friends, neighbors and colleagues are welcome. Visitors, please sign in a the front desk.

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