Ways to Help with Bike to Work Day in the Presidio, May 14th 2009
The Bay Area's biggest bicycling celebration, Bike to Work Day is tomorrow, May 14th, and the Presidio Trust & SFBC need your help to make this day a big success!
§ Join us. Ride Your Bike To Work at The Presidio Thu. May 14th & Win. Sports Basement & Honest Tea are giving away new bicycles this year to Presidio Bike To Work Day Participants! That’s two bikes this year. Stop by our Energizer Station at Lincoln & Halleck between 6:30AM & 9AM for free coffee & bagels and sign in for your raffle ticket. While you are at it get a quick tune up courtesy of Sports Basement mechanics. Enter to win a bike from SFBC too, visit: btwd.bayareabikes.org/
§ Come to the Bike To Work BBQ Thu. May 14th 12-2 in the Courtyard at Thoreau Center (1014 Torney) to see if you won the raffle. Free lunch and prizes such as Two new bicycles, meal passes from Presidio Social Club & Asqew grill, Exploratorium passes, Bowling passes for Presidio Bowl, Free Golf Game for four people with a cart at Presidio Golf Club, Sports Basement Gift Certificates, Framed artwork from Crissy Field Center.
§ Come to the Bike Away From Work Party Thu., May. 14 | 6-10pm, The Rickshaw Stop, 155 Fell St. You're invited to the SF Bicycle Coalition's fun and fabulous Bike Away from Work Party! Stop by Rickshaw Stop on your commute home and unwind (FREE valet bike parking provided). Learn the city's biking secrets from fellow bicyclists and bask in the glow of a successful Bike to Work Day! Free for SFBC members, $10 for non-members or join at the door and get in free!
§ Nominate a Bicyclist you admire as Bike Commuter of the Year.
§ Take part in the Team Bike Challenge: Register your team and compete with other Bay Area commuters to win great prizes for bike commuting in May. Go to btwd.bayareabikes.org/tbc for more info.
§ SFBC Bike Movie Night Mon., May 4, 8pm The Independent, 628 Divisadero St.(at Grove)
A screening of Macaframa, a film by Colin Arlen and Colby Elrick of track bike riding on the streets of San Francisco. Free!
Bicycling Facts & Figures
§ There is great potential to increase the number of bicycle commuters in the U.S., which would help reduce the number of trips made by automobile. Forty percent of all trips in the U.S. are made within two miles of the home and 50% of the working population commutes five miles or less to work.
§ The average commuter who bikes to work for a year will save $1,825 in auto-related costs, reduce carbon emissions by 128 pounds, conserve 145 gallons of gasoline, avoid 50 hours of gridlock traffic, burn 90,000 calories, reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke by 50%, and enjoy 14% less claims on their health insurance. (Numbers based on June 2006 gas prices and a 10 mile round trip commute)
Every trip converted to bicycle brings us closer to our ultimate goals of air quality enhancement, congestion reduction, better health and slowing global warming.
Bruce DeMartini
Program Manager, Tides
Tides Shared Spaces
[t] 415.561.7823 [f] 415.561.6401
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