15 May 2009

Library Closed 5/18 & 5/20

The library will be closed next Monday and Wednesday, May 18 and May 20 for the NonprofitCenters Network and Tides 2009 Building Opportunities Conference.

This biannual conference will again bring together leaders from the philanthropic, nonprofit, private and public sectors to share successful models and best practices for creating and operating shared workspace and services. Your members may be especially interested in the Funders’ Networking Session on May 18th, where they can talk to peers who have created successful shared space and services projects across North America.

As nonprofit organizations search for strategies to weather difficult economic times, the 2009 Building Opportunities Conference will offer proven models to reduce costs, gain greater efficiencies, and enhance community programs through shared space and services. Join leaders from the nonprofit, philanthropic, private, and public sectors who have created successful multi-tenant nonprofit centers, shared staffing and technology, and pooled purchasing. Presented by The NonprofitCenters Network and Tides. For more information visit http://www.nonprofitcentersnetwork.org/events.

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