25 May 2010

Thoreau Center Brown Bag - Plantains and Politics: Coffee, Co-ops and Coups

Plantains + Politics: Coffee, Co-ops and Coups

Presenters: Roxanne Hanson & Diana Chavez

Thursday, May 27, 12:30p 1o 1:30p

Atlantic Room at Tides

Who wants to see a boring slide show of vacation photos? Not us! Instead, join a discussion about the current effects of the economic crisis, immigration reform, and Barak Obama’s administration in Central America. Tides’ own Roxanne Hanson and Diana Chavez will share their recent experiences living and traveling in Nicaragua and Honduras. You won’t want to miss the radical cheer about CAFTA!

Brown Bag events are free informal mid-day learning sessions hosted at Tides. Friends, neighbors and colleagues are welcome. Visitors, please sign in a the front desk.

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