17 May 2010

Thoreau Center Brown Bag: Women's Rights in the Niger Delta

Brown Bag: Women's Rights in the Niger Delta

: Friday, May 21 12:30p - 1:30 p
Where: Pacific Room at Tides, Thoreau Center

Thoreau Center and The International Forum on Globalization invite you to join Justice in Nigeria Now for a Brown Bag with women's rights advocate, Emem Okon, visiting from the Niger Delta.

Emem Okon is a women's rights activist and advocate from the Niger Delta’s oil impacted region of Nigeria. Ms. Okon is the founder and the Executive Director of Kebetkache Women Development & Resource Centre. She is a gender analyst, a trainer, a researcher, and a campaigner against all forms of violence including that directed at women and the environment. Ms. Okon was a leader of the powerful women’s protests against Chevron Corporation for its environmental and human rights abuses in Nigeria which garnered international media attention when a group of women took over an oil installation and threatened to take off their clothes if the company did not negotiate with them. She has coordinated several women’s networks and coalitions in the Niger Delta region, including Civil Society on HIV & AIDS, Gender and Constitution Reform Network, International Network on Women and Environment, and National Coalition on Affirmative Action, to mention a few.

Brown Bag events are free informal mid-day learning sessions hosted at Tides. Friends, neighbors and colleagues are welcome. Visitors, please sign in a the front desk.

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